Quality Life Planning
Sandra Andreychuk
Health Care Consultant
Health Care Ethicist
Registered Nurse
"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it"
When we take the time to reflect on what makes our lives comfortable, satisfying and worthwhile, we can begin to integrate these simple things into our everyday existence. This takes effort. Without effort, we leave things up to chance.
By planning for our future, we gain control of how our life unfolds and ensure that what's important to us continues to be part of our everyday life experience.
As we face various challenges in our lives, we have the opportunity to reframe our perspective of what makes life worth living.
Whether we find ourselves in an acute health crisis or we simply progress in our aging process, it benefits us to be clear of what brings us joy and what we are not willing to endure! A clear understanding of this balance will allow us to live our best life until our last breath.

What Quality Life Planning has to offer...
Advance Health Care Planning
Development of Advance Health Care Directives and Living Wills
Health Advocacy
Health Education (community and health professionals)
Interactive Workshops and Seminars
Supporting groups and individual in the process of health care planning
Facilitated Group Discussions
Assisting with difficult decision making, conflict resolution and mediation.

I have worked in the health industry for many years. I know from personal experiences, and in my professional life, that the health care system can be extremely difficult to navigate. I also know that as much as we try to accept the reality of death it is universally one of the greatest challenges we must all face, for ourselves and with those we love. It's frightening to stare death in the face. It is difficult, at best, to lose someone we love, whether they have been with us for a short period, taking their first and last breath moments apart, or they have lived a full life with longevity on their side.
Our mission at QLP is simple. We aim to make the process of planning for future health challenges and the dying experience a little easier. We want to ensure people in our community have the tools, resources and knowledge needed to live the best life possible. Whether for yourself or you are supporting a loved one in their journey, QLP is here to help navigate this tricky landscape. When we plan ahead and access the right resources, things tend to go a whole lot better for us and our family. Its not about dying, it's about living life to its full potential. Planning can be full of joy, sadness, laughter, and tears but ultimately it leads us to a place where we can set our priorities, grab hold of life and live it well.
The life you want begins by embracing the life you have.
With Kindness Always, Sandra